Populární autoři beletrie
ISBN | 9780194148504 |
Typ | set paperback + online access code |
Vydavatel | Oxford University Press |
Rok vydání | 2024 |
2-3 týdny
Upozornění: poslední kus skladem!
Datum dostupnosti:
English File Fifth Edition Elementary Multipack B with Student Resource Centre Pack
Příjemce :
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Print Student Book & Workbook with 2 years' access to Skills Confidence multi-pack B
New video embedded into the lessons brings language learning to life and helps you communicate both inside and outside the classroom.
With the Student Book and Workbook multi-pack B with access to Skills Confidence learners use the Book to participate in class, and access to Skills Confidence to continue learning outside of lessons. Ideal for students who need to use print books in the classroom.