Populární autoři beletrie
Intermediate to Upper-intermediate Professional English in Use Medicine contains 60 units covering a wide variety of medical vocabulary. Topics include diseases and symptoms, investigations, treatment, examining and prevention. The book also introduces general medical vocabulary related to parts and functions of the body, medical and para-medical...
Good Practice is a course for doctors and medical students who need to communicate with patients in English, and can be used in the classroom or for self-study. Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective through a focus on five elements of good communication: verbal communication,...
Potřebujete mluvit s anglicky mluvícím kolegou (lékařem. zdravotníkem) či pacientem? Nebo snad máte v úmyslu vyjet pracovně do anglicky mluvících zemí – zejména Velké Britanie a zemí bývalého Commonwealthu? Pak nezbytně potřebujete právě tuto knihu! Překlad pátého vydání mimořádně úspěšné knihy autorky. která připravuje ve svých kurzech zahraniční lékaře...
A short self-study or classroom course (40-60 hours) for nurses who need to use English in the workplace. Cambridge English for Nursing is designed to improve the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of healthcare professionals, enabling them to work more confidently and effectively. With an emphasis on listening and speaking,...
A short self-study or classroom course (40-60 hours) for nurses who need to use English in the workplace.Cambridge English for Nursing is designed to improve the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of healthcare professionals, enabling them to work more confidently and effectively. With an emphasis on listening and speaking,...
Proces evropské integrace zasahuje i do povolání lékaře. V rámci spolupráce mezi evropskými lékařskými fakultami dochází k rozvoji programů mezinárodních výměn, stáží a nemocničních praxí. Cílem této příručky je praktickým způsobem pomoci medikům, lékařům a dalším zdravotnickým pracovníkům rychle si osvojit odbornou slovní zásobu v angličtině tak, aby...
Career Paths English: Nursing is a new educational resource for nursing professionals. Reviewed by licensed nurses, it incorporates career-specific vocabulary and contexts into lessons that build professionals´ workplace English skills. Each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in four language components: reading, listening,...
Career Paths English: Nursing is a new educational resource for nursing professionals. Reviewed by licensed nurses, it incorporates career-specific vocabulary and contexts into lessons that build professionals´ workplace English skills. Each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in four language components: reading, listening,...
Good Practice is a course for doctors and medical students who need to communicate with patients in English, and can be used in the classroom or for self-study. Good Practice focuses on the language and communication skills that doctors need to make consultations more effective through a focus on five elements of good communication: verbal communication,...