


Povolené filtry:

    English Plus Počet produktů: 21

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    Zobrazeno 1 – 16 z 21 položek
    • 423 Kč
      470 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      skladem (ihned expedujeme)
    • 2 845 Kč
      5 690 Kč -50%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      skladem (ihned expedujeme)
    • 439 Kč
      488 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      skladem (ihned expedujeme)
    • 423 Kč
      470 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      skladem (ihned expedujeme)
    • 439 Kč
      488 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads.English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      skladem (ihned expedujeme)
    • 842 Kč
      936 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      3-5 dní
    • 1 089 Kč
      1 210 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads.English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      3-5 dní
    • 423 Kč
      470 Kč -10%

      *Náročnější čtyřdílný kurz pro víceletá gymnázia a druhý stupeň ZŠ se zaměřením na výuku angličtiny *Přehledná struktura lekce (jedna stránka = jedna hodina) *Jasně definované cíle každé lekce *Důraz na rozvoj ústního a písemného projevu *Vhodné pro mixed-ability classes, aktivity v sekci Finished? zaměstnají rychlejší studenty *Flexibilní, sekce...

      3-5 dní
    • 1 089 Kč
      1 210 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      3-5 dní
    • 1 450 Kč
      1 611 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads.English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning...

      3-5 dní
    • 439 Kč
      488 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      3-5 dní
    • 1 089 Kč
      1 210 Kč -10%

      přehledná struktura lekce (jedna stránka = jedna hodina) jasně definované cíle každé lekce důraz na rozvoj ústního i písemného projevu English Plus je náročnější kurz vhodný i pro "mixed-ability classes", aktivity v sekci Finished? zaměstnají rychlejší studenty sekce Options nabízí ke každé lekci čtyri hodiny navíc zaměřené na opakování, upevnění a...

      3-5 dní
    • 439 Kč
      488 Kč -10%

      An introduction with teaching tips, including information on mixed-ability classes, dyslexic students, project work, evaluation and testing, and using technology Photocopiable resources for teachers at the back of the book, and photocopiable student self-assessment checklists Teaching notes and answers for all Student's Book material Ideas for extra...

      3-5 dní
    • 331 Kč
      368 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      3-5 dní
    • 423 Kč
      470 Kč -10%

      A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in...

      3-5 dní
    • 423 Kč
      470 Kč -10%

      NEW:- zcela nová úroveň pro žáky ve věku 10 - 11 let- základní gramatika a klíčová slovní zásoba pro přípravu na English Plus 1- stejná struktura lekcí jako u vyšších úrovní, obsah učebnice/lekcí je rozvržen k probrání za jeden školní rok- každá lekce obsahuje jednu stranu vytvořenou speciálně pro mladší žáky, která jim pomůže upevnit nové znalosti pomocí...

      3-5 dní
    Zobrazeno 1 – 16 z 21 položek