Populární autoři beletrie
Učíte se anglicky? Moderní učebnice koncipovaná jako pracovní sešit vám podrobně a jasně vysvětlí anglickou gramatiku. Součástí učebnice jsou cvičení a testy k ověření získaných znalostí. V závěru učebnice je i klíč ke kontrole správných řešení. Učebnice je vhodnou pomůckou nejen pro maturanty a středoškoláky ale i pro samostudium.
• The Grammar Files series consists of 4 Books, 64 pages each, for CEF Levels: A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 • Each unit starts by briefly introducing the new Grammar point and then students have to practise doing a variety of exercises. • These books can also be used as time fillers; perfect for when teachers have some extra time at the end of a lesson, or want to...
• The Grammar Files series consists of 4 Books, 64 pages each, for CEF Levels: A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 • Each unit starts by briefly introducing the new Grammar point and then students have to practise doing a variety of exercises. • These books can also be used as time fillers; perfect for when teachers have some extra time at the end of a lesson, or want to...
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use Fourth edition is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners (A1-B1), used by millions of people around the world. With clear examples and easy-to-follow exercises, it is perfect for independent study, covering all the areas of grammar you...
• The Grammar Files series consists of 4 Books, 64 pages each, for CEF Levels: A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 • Each unit starts by briefly introducing the new Grammar point and then students have to practise doing a variety of exercises. • These books can also be used as time fillers; perfect for when teachers have some extra time at the end of a lesson, or want to...
Tuto učebnici využijete nejen v průběhu celého středoškolského studia, ale následně i při přípravě k maturitě a přijímacím zkouškám na vysokou školu. Koncepce knihy vychází z požadavků MŠMT k nové podobě maturitní zkoušky (výběr...
The Art of Conversation, All AgesWe live a 24/7 always-connected lifestyle, but conversations tend to be brief, pressured and work-oriented, rather than something we do because we enjoy it or genuinely want to listen. Carefully researched and tested, TAOC All Ages restores the Art of Conversation, revives relationships and get families, couples, singles...
Vocabulary FilesThe Vocabulary Files series consists of 5 Books, 64 pages each, for CEF Levels: A1- A2 - B1 - B2 - C1The aim of the series is to give students the chance to expand their vocabulary in different areas. Each unit deals with a common Vocabulary topic; the vocabulary is taught through a variety of exercises with lots...
Vocabulary FilesThe Vocabulary Files series consists of 5 Books, 64 pages each, for CEF Levels: A1- A2 - B1 - B2 - C1The aim of the series is to give students the chance to expand their vocabulary in different areas. Each unit deals with a common Vocabulary topic; the vocabulary is taught through a variety of exercises with lots of...