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Karl Rossman has been banished by his parents to America, following a family scandal. There, with unquenchable optimism, he throws himself into the strange experiences that lie before him as he slowly makes his way into the interior of the great continent. Although Kafka's first novel (begun in 1911 and never finished), can be read as a menacing allegory...
THE MOST FAMED PRAGUE SIGHTS SWATHED IN LEGEND Prague‘s charm lies deeply buried in its history and its one-of-a-kind atmosphere. Once you set foot in its dark recesses, you never manage to free yourself from its magical embrace. You fall in love. All your senses come alive. Among the tones of Prague‘s bells and chimes you may catch the...
The terrifying tale of Joseph K, a respectable functionary in a bank, who is suddenly arrested and must defend his innocence against a charge about which he can get no information. A nightmare vision of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the mad agendas of twentieth-century totalitarian regimes.
The story of K and his arrival in a village where he is never accepted, and his relentless, unavailing struggle with authority in order to gain entrance to the castle that seems to rule it. K's isolation and perplexity, his begging for the approval of elusive and anonymous powers, epitomises Kafka's vision of twentieth-century alienation and anxiety.
The story of Milos Hrma, a gauche young Candide of the occupied countries, apprentice in a small railway station in Bohemia who, before meeting his heroic death, loses his burdensome innocence, masters the social complexities of the small world he inhabits, and discovers his manhood.
Sparkling with comic genius and narrative exuberance, "I Served the King of England" is a story of how the unbelievable came true. Its remarkable hero, Ditie, is a hotel waiter who rises to become a millionaire and then loses it all again against the backdrop of events in Prague from the German invasion to the victory of Communism. Ditie's fantastic...
Discover "perhaps the funniest novel ever written" (The Guardian ), now beautifully reissued "The classic comic novel of the First World War." --The New Yorker - "A literary masterpiece." --New York Review of Books - "One of the greatest works of 20th century literature." --Boston Globe
Klima, a celebrated jazz trumpeter, receives a phone call announcing that a young nurse with whom he spent a brief night at a fertility spa is pregnant. She has decided he is the father and so begins a comedy which, during five madcap days, unfolds with ever-increasing speed.
The Joke, Milan Kundera's first novel, gained him a huge following in his own country and launched his worldwide literary reputation. In his foreword Kundera explains why this completely revised translation is the definitive edition of his work. 'It is impossible to do justice here to the subtleties, comedy and wisdom of this very beautiful novel. The...
Slavný humoristický román Zdeňka Jirotky vyšel poprvé v roce 1942 a od té doby se dočkal 15 vydání v českém jazyce. Po více než 60 letech se s Jirotkovým románem budou moci seznámit i čtenáři hovořící anglicky. Knihu doprovázejí originální barevné ilustrace Adolfa Borna.
A budding poet and his adoring mother are the central characters of this intriguing early novel by Milan Kundera. He takes us through the young man's fantasies and love affairs in a characteristic tour de force, alive with wit, eroticism and ideas.