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Technical English is a practical course for students in vocational education or in training at work.Technical English provides English language instruction for students who are involved in vocatonal and technical education. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations. It presents key technical...
Job Matters Plumbing and Heating ve 20 lekcích zprostředkovává a procvičuje moderní odbornou angličtinu pro instalatérství a topenářství. Vyznačuje se následujícím: * Forma - Moderní layout spolu s bohatým fofografickým a ilustračním materiálem umožňují aktuální výuku oborové angličtiny přizpůsobneou potřebám studentů. * Přehlednost - Každá Unit odpovídá...
Bring the exciting world of tourism into your Classroom with this three-level course which uses authentic materials, including Dorling Kindersley Travel Guides.
Bring the exciting world of tourism into your Classroom with this three-level course which uses authentic materials, including Dorling Kindersley Travel Guides.
Bring the exciting world of tourism into your Classroom with this three-level course which uses authentic materials, including Dorling Kindersley Travel Guides.
Angličtina pro au pair s frázemi a slovníky je příručka pro všechny, kdo chtějí pracovat – nebo již pracují – s dětmi v anglicky mluvících rodinách. Kniha umožňuje efektivněji anglicky komunikovat s dětmi a hostitelskou rodinou, obsahuje anglickou slovní zásobu a...
Level: Pre-intermediate to IntermediateEssential Telephoning in English is a short skills course for adult learners of Business and general English.The course consists of 11 core units covering a wide range of communication skills: answering the telephone, beginning and ending a call, taking messages, dealing with problems, making appointments and...
Professional English in Use Finance is the latest exciting addition to the bestselling English Vocabulary in Use titles.Suitable for intermediate students and above, Professional English in Use Finance includes 50 units covering all aspects of financial vocabulary from Accounting to Borrowing and Lending, Central Banking to Venture Capital and many...
Campaign is an award-winning course in English for the military. It meets the English language needs of military personnel on international operations peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and training exercises. * Revises and consolodates key language areas * Provides approximately 80 hours of material for self-study * Each section opens with a list of...
Campaign is an award-winning course in English for the military. It meets the English language needs of military personnel on international operations peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and training exercises. * Provides full answer key, teaching notes and tapescripts * Features background briefings on military life for civilian teachers * Includes a...
This is a new, up-to-date course where students learn what they need to know for a career in commerce, tourism, nursing, or technology.
High Season - kurz vhodný pro studenty hotelových škol. Úroveň: intermediate
Highly Recommended - kurz pro školy připravující studenty v oboru cestovní ruch a stravování. Úroveň: elementary až pre-intermediate
A series of Workbooks offering practical English lessons for school students preparing for work.
English level: Elementary to Pre-IntermediateA fully revised and updated edition of this popular low-level course.Key features: * A topic-centred course that covers key computing functions and develops learners' competence in all four skills. * Graded specialist content combined with key grammar, functional language, and subject-specific lexis....