Populární autoři beletrie
Prague Cuisine is a culinary journey of discovery. From urban chic to fine dining, Dominic James shares his culinary experiences and discoveries, revealing a diverse selection of restaurants, cafés, bistros and confectioners in and around a city rich in history and tradition. With its beautiful collection of photographs and descriptive legends,...
Kniha plná receptů typických českých pokrmů, které původem sahají hluboko do minulosti, ale staly se tak oblíbenými, že se připravují dodnes. Pokrmy každodenní i ty, které se připravují o svátcích, jako jsou Velikonoce a Vánoce, či u příležitosti...
Millet cake, cotton soup, kaldoun, kreplach or Prague kružalky cakes? Delicacies from Lippert and a recipe according to Šroubek? What’s the story with typical Czech cuisine? Did you know that the dishes we now consider typical and traditionally Czech come from various parts of Europe? That pork with dumplings and sauerkraut was created by...
Presenting 60 quilt block designs that combine to make five distinctive quilts, this collection features techniques for various skill levels, a progressive approach that moves from easy to more complicated blocks, quilt-making basics, a broad range of quilt designs that varies from casual to formal, and different quilt-making styles.
DON'T SPEND A FORTUNE TO LOOK FLAWLESS Esthetician to the stars Raisa Ruder learned her time-tested beauty techniques from her Ukrainian grandmother (or babushka, as they say in the old country). Now everyone can discover the all-natural, better-than-botox secrets the Hollywood stars use to shine on the red carpet! Ruder reveals her sought-after...