


BLOK 3 (11:45 - 12:45) (zpět na hlavní stránku)

Označení semináře NEW znamená, že se daný seminář objevuje na Englishbooks Day poprvé. 

Informaci, zda je seminář cílen pro učitele či studenty, najdete pod každou anotací.

(Lucie Gramelová, jazykovy-koutek.cz)  NEW

Když se podíváte na učebnici angličtiny, vůbec se vám do studia nechce? Musíte se do kurzu nutit? Dřív vás angličtina bavila, ale teď v sobě horko těžko hledáte motivaci pokračovat? Přijďte zjistit, co je ideomotorický efekt nebo veřejný závazek a jaká kritéria prokazatelně zvyšují nebo snižují naši motivaci.

Jazyk: česky
Určeno pro: studenty

Lucie GramelováLUCIE GRAMELOVÁ vyučuje italštinu a řečtinu, dále mluví anglicky, německy, francouzsky, španělsky, nizozemsky, portugalsky, rumunsky, albánsky a turecky. Píše blog o studiu cizích jazyků (www.jazykovy-koutek.cz) a je autorkou několika učebnic a pracovních sešitů. Dále se věnuje popularizaci moderních metod ve výuce cizích jazyků, její kurz Jak se učit jazyky absolvovalo v loňském školním roce více než 200 zájemců. Je absolventkou FF UK, obor španělština.

(Steven McIntosh, mcintoenglish.com)    NEW

What do you want from conversation? This is for you if you want more than travel dialogues and "hello, how are you" conversations. This is about deeper discussion. Oprah Winfrey's interviews are some of the most raw, challenging and inspiring conversations on video. We will examine comments and questions she uses to set people at ease. How she moves into a deeper level of communication. This is going to be a practical workshop focused on exploring questions and responses that lead to enriching conversation. Our goal: Create an authentic experience in connecting with one another. To get the most from this event, you will be receiving material prior to the workshop. (Less than an hour's worth of preparation) Please prepare before attending.

Jazyk: anglicky
Určeno pro: studenty i učitele

Steven McIntoshSTEVEN MCINTOSH has been teaching English for over 17 years. Throughout his teaching he has continued to focus on growth in learning beyond just language acquisition. Drawing from disciplines as memory training and peak performance, he merges English Language learning with life principles and communication techniques. Steven encourages learners to take a fresh look at learning and conversation. He is a regular contributor to Friendship Magazine and has recently published the book ‘Ultra simple conversation handbook: Fundamentals of Basic Conversation’.

! (Tereza Janíčková, Cambridge P.A.R.K.)        NEW

Do your pupils want to have more interactive and dynamic lessons? Do they like to compete and have fun in their classroom? Are they tired of the grammar routine exercises?

Do you want to have your lessons more communicative and practical? Do you want to be able to measure your pupils’ progress easily? Do you want to be sure your pupils are good at all four skills?

Do you know that when you prepare your pupils for Cambridge YLE exams, you will be able to achieve all these things?

Come and find out how this can be done easily and effectively through lots of practical activities you will see and try in my seminar.

Jazyk: anglicky
Určeno pro: učitele ZŠ

Tereza JaníčkováTEREZA JANÍČKOVÁ is a freelance English teacher with 13 years of teching experience. She is also a Cambridge examiner and teacher trainer for Cambridge Exam Centre P.A.R.K. After completing her Master degree in teaching English, she worked for several language schools and also got some experience at elementary school. Tereza is a regular EFL teacher in junior summer schools in the UK.

(Louel Ross Calleja, Cambridge P.A.R.K.)  NEW

Do you know the term for a pub that brews beer on its premises? And if this watering hole was shabby and dirty and reeked of cigarette smoke, would you know what to call it? What's one word for "food and snacks eaten with alcoholic drinks"? How do you say "na ex" in English? And if a štamgast told you he moonlighted as a moonshiner, would you know what he was talking about?
Over the years, I've managed to compile a smorgasbord of vocabulary you're unlikely to find in coursebooks but which, I've observed, students tend to need when they talk about their way of life. How can we teach these lexical items effectively? How can we help our learners become not only competent users of the English language but also successful communicators of Czech culture?

Jazyk: anglicky
Určeno pro: učitele, využijí i studenti

    Louel RossLOUEL ROSS CALLEJA has been teaching a wide range of courses for adults (medical English, business English, Cambridge exams preparation courses, conversation, etc.) in Brno since 2008 and has taught students coming from more than 30 countries. He always makes it a point to teach culture in the classroom and has made it his mission to make his students fall in love with learning words.

(Lucie Skrčená, helpforenglish.cz)   NEW

Jak to, že se ‘eight’ čte stejně jako ‘ate’? Jak to, že se “slza” čte jinak, než “trhat”, když je to oboje ‘tear’? V tomto semináři se díky různým aktivitám podíváme na zoubek anglickým homophones, slovům, která se stejně vyslovují, ale jinak píšou, pak homographs, slovům, která se stejně píší, ale častokrát jinak vyslovují, a také homonyms, což jsou slova, která se stejně píší a vyslovují, ale mají různý význam.

Jazyk: česky
Určeno pro: studenty - začátečníky až středně pokročilé

Lucie SkrčenáLUCIE SKRČENÁ je soukromou lektorkou angličtiny více než 10 let a také učí na ZŠ v Kladně. Ráda objevuje nové metody výuky a zkouší je na svých žácích. Je držitelkou certifikátů CAE a TKT. Na stránkách www.helpforenglish.cz působí jako redaktor a moderátor. Právě studuje Masarykovu univerzitu v Brně obor Anglický jazyk se zaměřením na vzdělávání. Kromě angličtiny se věnuje i francouzštině.


Have you run out of ways to keep your teenage learners focused, motivated and excited about learning? Come and get some new ideas for using games, music and video in the classroom. You will walk away with flexible activities up your sleeve that require little or no preparation, and can be integrated into day-to-day coursebook lessons.

Určeno pro: učitele SŠ a 2. stupně ZŠ

Daniela ClarkeDANIELA CLARKE is a teacher, teacher trainer and ELT writer. She has been involved in ELT for over 20 years, mainly in the UK and the Czech Republic. Her teaching experience ranges from young learners to adults of all language levels and competences, and her teacher training experience covers training on the Trinity Cert TESOL and Exam Assessors Courses. Daniela currently works as a teacher trainer and an ELT consultant, and presents regularly at ELT conferences in Central and Eastern Europe. She is especially interested in the theory of learning, motivational teaching strategies and tactile learning.