Populární autoři beletrie
Autor | Caroline Nixon Michael Tomlinson |
ISBN | 9781108430142 |
Typ | set paperback + online material |
Vydavatel | Cambridge University Press |
Rok vydání | 2018 |
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Power Up 4 Activity Book with Online Resources and Home Booklet
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Activity Book with Online Resources and My Home Booklet
The Power Up Activity Book builds on the Pupil’s Book by offering additional practice. It gives learners the opportunity to:
Online Practice
Inside the front cover of the Activity Book students find an activation code for their online skills and vocabulary practice. The interactive activities can be used in class or as homework, and include all of the Power Up videos: unit openers, chants, stories, songs and CLIL.
Teachers can view all the students’ work in the gradebook.
My Home Booklet
Practice makes perfect this is why Power Up offers even more practice in My Home Booklet. This magazine-style homework booklet is full of fun language activities like tongue twisters, fun facts from around the world and puzzles that children can enjoy on their own or with their carers at home.