Populární autoři beletrie
SkillsWork is an exciting new book for teachers and students who want to focus on skills development at intermediate level and beyond. It can be used alongside a standard coursebook or on its own, ideal if you want to teach away from the coursebook for part of the day or week. There are forty interesting lessons of integrated skills work with each unit...
Contains full teaching notes for the SkillsWork student's book
The EXTRACTS featured are taken from fourteen major novels that span nearly two hundred years of English Literature. Useful background information on the authors and the context of their novels is provided in dictation format.
The proposed book on child second language (L2) development and assessment will be a state-of-the-art account of what we currently know about how children learn L2s in formal contexts and how that knowledge impacts on the design, development, and evaluation of language assessment products for young learners. The uniqueness of child L2 development within...
Be a successful, fun teacher with this action-packed games book for children learning English & FREE BONUS How would you like to have happy, motivated pupils who love learning English with you ? Now you can. Have you noticed how kids tend to forget everything you covered in the previous lesson ? The vocabulary goes in one ear and out the other ! 176...
2-3 týdnySupplement your science curriculum with 180 days of daily practice! This invaluable classroom resource provides teachers with weekly science units that build students' content-area literacy, and are easy to incorporate into the classroom. Students will analyze and evaluate scientific data and scenarios, improve their understanding of science and...
* doplňkový materiál pro výuku angličtiny u žáků s poruchami učení na základní škole * možnost výběru cvičení podle druhu a rozsahu poruchy * motivující ilustrace * různorodost a variabilita aktivit * metodická doporučení a řešení V...