Populární autoři beletrie
Level: Intermediate-Advanced (B1-C2)A new up-to-date Business English dictionary, that gives learners all the help and information they need to do business in English.It includes more than 30,000 words, phrases and meanings from a wide variety of business areas, and has a special focus on using the language correctly.
The CD-ROM combines the full text of the Macmillan Essential Dictionary, with pronunciation practice, activities, illustrations, sound effects, photographs, animations and useful search facilities. In addition, users can access a fully-searchable compendium of curriculum vocabulary online.
Do you need to explain macroeconomics in the classroom? Would your students know what a hurdle rate is? This new edition of the Longman Business English Dictionary gives students an in-depth knowledge of all the vocabulary they need to survive in today’s fast-paced business environment, whether they are students of business English or people already in...
English level: Intermediate and above This new edition will give students help with synonyms, allowing them to decide whether a phrasal verb or a single-word verb is the more appropriate choice. Key features * The information students need to understand over 7,000 common British and American phrasal verbs and use them correctly. * Clear, simple...
Updated with new words, Oxford Essential Dictionary is a corpus-based dictionary of the essential vocabulary learners need at elementary to pre-intermediate level. Now with NEW iGuide on CD-ROM. Oxford Essential Dictionary gives all the essential help and information elementary and pre-intermediate learners need. Updated with 200 NEW words, Oxford...
This new edition of the Cambridge Idioms Dictionary explains over 7,000 idioms current in British, American and Australian English, helping learners to understand them and use them with confidence. • Fully updated with new idioms, e.g. think outside the box, play out of your skin, the new black • New, attractive page layout with idioms in colour for easy...
Tyto malé slovníky obsahují elementární slovní zásobu a frazeologii nezbytnou pro porozumění běžným sdělením a dorozumění se v běžných životních situacích. Se znalostí lexikální zásoby angličtiny...
A dictionary of synonyms English level: Upper-Intermediate to Advanced B2 to C2 Description: No two words are exactly the same. This is the learner's thesaurus that explains the difference. Key features * Over 17,000 synonyms and opposites from written and spoken English * Over 4,000 notes to help learners identify the exact difference between...
The authoritative guide to over 225,000 pronunciations in both British and American English has been updated in a new edition – now complete with the brand new Longman Pronunciation Coach CD-ROM which gives students lots of practical help to improve their own pronunciation. The new third edition of the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary gives students...
Učte se důležitá slovíčka pomocí veselých obrázků! Zapamatujete si je rychleji a vštípí se vám i mnohem hlouběji do paměti! Ilustrace znázorňují běžné životní situace, které denně prožíváme, obsahují postavy a věci, se kterými se...
The most extensive and complete phrasal verbs dictionary available, helping you understand and use them correctly. * 5,000 phrasal verbs, including new ones from computing, business, and the Internet. * Unique Phrasal Verbs Activator® helps learners choose the right phrasal verb for the context. * Clear grammar patterns show how to use phrasal verbs.
Obecné slovníky praktického formátu jsou určené pro všechny uživatele cizího jazyka, studenty i dospělé. ■ 50 000 aktuálních hesel obecné slovní zásoby ■ gramaticko-lexikální a frazeologické bloky speciálně pro potřeby studenta...
A handy, pocket-size thesaurus which helps students find synonyms and opposites for over 5,000 key words.
Představujeme vám třetí, rozšířené vydání velkého anglicko-českého a česko-anglického slovníku. Jde o zcela původní, autorské dílo, jehož hlavním cílem je co nejvěrněji zachytit současný psaný i mluvený jazyk. Přes...
Nový oboustranný slovník zkušeného lexikografa přináší v praktickém formátu více než 50.000 hesel a podhesel, více než 90.000 slov a frází a kolem 150.000 ekvivalentů. Je zaměřen na současný jazyk spisovný i hovorový - najdete v něm výrazy jako: chav, detox, NGO, pandemic, swine flu; akvapark, detox, kapsáče, empétrojka, prasečí chřipka, šrotovné atd....
A learner's dictionary that includes school curriculum vocabulary. This dictionary is perfect for students studying school subjects in English. All the words you need, from chemistry to geography, maths to economics, are explained in simple language. Useful notes on grammar, collocation and common learner errors as well as thousands of example...