

Sleva! Business Result Second Edition Advanced Student's Book with Online Practice Zobrazit větší

Business Result Second Edition Advanced Student's Book with Online Practice

Autor Jim Scrivener Rebecca Turner Kate Baade Chris Holloway
Typset paperback + Online Practice
VydavatelOxford University Press
Rok vydání2018

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Business Result Second Edition offers business professionals more communication and language practice than ever before, so they develop business English skills to use immediately.

Relevant, personalized practice for people at work
With Business Result Second Edition, students practise language that is relevant to their work context, so they can use what they learn in real work situations.

NEW Talking Point discussion lessons are based on an interesting business concept, process or approach that is relatable for any student in any business profession. The personalized Talking Point tasks allow students to apply the concept to their own working contexts, and provide the opportunity to use language from the unit.

NEW Viewpoints integrate video into the lesson to bring business English to life – and build communication skills for business. Each video lesson relates to content in the units and builds up to a communicative task.

NEW Language Points provide explicit focus on the meaning and form of the target language applied in a business context.

EXTENDED Practically Speaking sections help students put language to use immediately. In every unit, Practically Speaking relates clearly to the unit content, and includes input, analysis and practice.

Easily adapt Business Result Second Edition to fit your teaching context
The IMPROVED modular structure of Business Result Second Edition means it can be easily adapted to fit your teaching context.

Each section within a unit works in a modular way – they can be completed as standalone activities according to your needs. You can choose lessons that are most relevant for your students.

The Teacher’s Book provides support for using the course flexibly in 1 to 1 lessons and with pre-work students.

For those working through the book in order, continuity is maintained throughout the book to provide natural progression.

Enrich your lessons with ready-to-go resources to pick up and teach in class
NEW photocopiable worksheets for each unit provide more practice for the main sections of each unit: Working with Words, Language at Work and Business Communication.

NEW online resources for teachers include Viewpoint video files to stream or download, audio files to stream or download, sample emails for each unit, downloadable business cards, and progress tests.

Help students advance their career through progress tracking and assessment support
Clear Outcomes – ‘you can’ statements help students monitor their own progress, and downloadable progress tests enable you to track students’ progress in language skills and speaking skills.

NEW Online Practice provides extra interactive practice activities with instant feedback on answers and automatic grading, allowing students to independently review their learning. Online Practice allows you to easily track and report on your students’ progress, keeping you up-to-date with your students’ learning.

Downloadable progress tests for every unit enable you to assess students’ progress, and identify student weaknesses and strengths.

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